Wednesday, January 1, 2014


This was the last guitar I bought in 2013, rather emotional. Making room in my head to accept the 'E-II' label there but this was, to me, a necessary purchase. I wanted to check out the standard it has to offer but knowing it's from the same dweebs who have their prints all over the ESP label, nothing should be amiss. To some of us, not having ESP there is a loss of sorts, I'd agree to a certain extent but that's the emotions talking. What should get you going is not what's stamped on the headstock but your embrace of the instrument. The E-II is as ESP as it gets, nothing less.

By the way, WEF from 2014, the 'ESP' label will only be seen on the following Japanese models:
  • Original series
  • Signature models
  • Custom Shop models


Ijau D. Koceng said...

another horizon :) said...

couldn't help it, a big fan :-)