Thursday, December 25, 2014

Ibanez: PGM80P

The latest in the Ibanez Premium signature range- Paul Gilbert's PGM80P. I think Ibanez played it safe by opting for a more mainstream RG outline (there are many to choose from the PGM range). The whammy inclusion is a little baffling because Mr. Gilbert doesn't fancy one lately. Pickups on board: DiMarzio Master/ PGM/ Master


andreasch said...

This and I saw Ibanes AT (Timmons) premium in white in the ishibashi video on youtube.. said...

Yes, sir. There will be 2 more JEM premiums for 2015 as well (might be more, who knows...). I'm updating selectively this time round because 1) Not all of them will make it here 2) Those that make it, will be here late (up to 11mths late at times)