Saturday, March 21, 2020


Just a reminder that it's bleak times ahead for many of us. On the business front, many commercial entities are forced to scale down production or go into a lull period, not by choice, mind you. Examples depicted above show how legislation had forced business into a standstill due to manpower reasons. People are not at work & this affects output. Please understand that there will be shipment delays & products not available off the shelves in the near future. Also, it's not just the music business but business in general, everyone is taking a hit in some ways now. The last thing that we would like to see is unfounded tension due to acquisition issues. Please be mindful & keep emotions checked. We are all affected, you're not alone.

Our thoughts are with those who are in dire straits, financial or otherwise, due to this pandemic. There is no other way but to stay strong & rebound when everything is over. 

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