Monday, October 25, 2021

Bowie wisdom

Great take-aways from the late David Bowie:
  1. What you do defines you. We often failed to internalize this, really. What you commit to do is based on your personal philosophy so if you end up doing something well, it helps you define yourself, first & foremost.
  2.  The creative self should be free from external expectations. This is the ideal manifestation but in today's context, if you are an employee, chances are, you are fulfilling an external expectation which is limiting your abilities. Creative minds work best under their own terms.
  3. Always dabble in the unknown for better results. If you are comfortable doing what you are doing, chances are, you are not doing your best. You need to be struggling a little, pushing limits to test what you are really capable of. You won't know until you try.

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