Saturday, March 12, 2011

Quake @ Japan

With Japan now in the midst of recovering from the earthquake, I can forget about my ESP special order guitar arriving here on time... The nuclear plant explosion is worrying. Many of us could hardly remember the Chernobyl disaster which had the fallout travel to Malaysia- Japan is much nearer to us.

I'm not blaming anyone for this- just a small test in the wait. Godspeed to the recovery in Japan.


Anonymous said...

Your guitar don't arrive here on time, i guess that's ok.
To many of the Japs' love ones, they will never arrive home at all. said...

thanks for agreeing that priority now lies with recovery, not business.

Anonymous said...

It is indeed a tragic event. I arrived in Shinjuku just before the quake and witnessed the buildings swaying and ground shaking for myself. Very surreal and it caused major delays in getting anything done, including checking into the hotel.

I went down to Ochanomizu the next day and many music shops were closed. From the notices, I gathered it was out of respect for the victims of the quake. Today, however, the resilient Japanese people have resumed normal life and I bought a G&L S-500 for a good price from Shimokura Gakki. Wonderful service, patient and knowledgeable staff who will let you test the guitars by yourself, in a sound proof room with a plethora of amps at your disposal. On the way back, I dropped whatever spare change I had into the numerous donation boxes. A tiny gesture for my host country. Gambatte! said...

thanks for sharing- really appreciate it.

i actually dreamt i was there, standing in the middle of the ruins surrounded by the reek of decomposition. when i woke up, i could still smell it & made the effort to look for the source- a dead lizard behind one of my cupboards.

Anonymous said...

will the guitar be affected by radiation?

Anonymous said...
