Monday, December 27, 2021

Discharge throwback

27th December is a significant date for me as I was discharged from the hospital this day, a year ago. One of the doctors quoted an earlier discharge date & I made preparations for that but it turned out to be a false alarm. I suspected so because the nurses were not aware of it. So my advice to doctors - do not give false hopes to patients. Give them confirmed assurances, not something to perk them up significantly & them having their hopes smashed to pieces because you peddle cheap talk. So I stayed in the hospital for another 14 days till 27th December. Forgiven but not forgotten.

The first guitar I played that day was my Silver Sky. I wanted to hear something calm & soothing with minimal OD & this guitar is more than capable of churning out all that. However, the playing time was cut short because I couldn't feel my fingertips & the skin of my hands & feet were generally bad; they were exfoliating. It got worse a few days after that & I was in no condition to play anything, let alone handle the toothbrush & cutlery properly. So it was time spent with the cat on days thereafter, just lying down & staring into space, quite the duplicate of my hospitalization days but this time it's at home.

My message to you as family members or caregivers of cancer patients - the road to recovery might be tougher as the mental bother sets in; thinking of what one has to forgo due to one's medical plight. Support them as much as you can. Sometimes they need to be left alone, dwelling into thoughts & internal conflicts. For my case, it was dealing with the loss of income & having bills to pay & mouths to feed. 

Final week of 2021, folks. Stay safe. 👍

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