Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Special arrangements

It's doom Tuesday & time well spent with the Epiphone SG Special. Yes, I'm not averse to the Epiphone brand name, just that not many appeal to me. 

As you can see there, this guitar came default with B500K pots (as indicated); all four of them. This is perhaps why they sound a little restrained when it comes to clarity. To me, single coil pickups go well with 250K pots & the P90 is a single coil pickup. 

Brought this down to Beez's today to have A250K pots in there. As the default pots were CTS ones, I made it a point to get CTS replacement pots as well. Also, the capacitors are a pair of HOSCO .047uf ones, unlike the .22uf that came with the B500K pots. CTS pots are available at TYMC, Hosco capacitors are available at Davis GMC.

While I'm at it, a pair of Wilkinson P90s are the new pickups here. These are easily available through Amazon & they are very affordable.

A fresh set of Darcos 10s for today's doom adventure - available at City Music


Ijau D. Koceng said...

with limited space like that, can't accommodate push-pull pots for sure

subversion.sg said...

Actually the cavity is deep enough for push/pull. I bought long shaft pots so it looks like there's hardly any breathing space in there.