Thursday, December 30, 2021

Highway re-string

Gloomy weather, bogged down indoors so it's re-string therapy: Fender H1 Strat. FYI, this is the first gen Highway 1 Strat sporting the traditional headstock. A little later, it sports the big, 70s version before evolving into the American Special. Looks rather pristine, yes? This pic was taken after a wipe down.

Before that happened, this was how the body looked like. I am repeatedly betrayed by the hard case. If you touched the stained surface, it felt sticky. One more time - the lining's adhesive had seeped through over time & caused this to happen.

The strap button at the horn end was affected & the rust travelled into the thread. No point salvaging these.

I am happy with Dunlop buttons & this Strat deserves a fresh pair.

Today's string of choice - GHS 9s


yong c said...

What did you wipe down this guitar with? said...

Music Nomad guitar polish - City Music sale, might as well 😬