Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Brush it in

At times, there are fine pores in the fretboard which escape the conditioning fluid, especially at the fret edges or that vicinity adjacent to the nut. I will use a soft-bristled toothbrush to literally brush the fluid into those pores.


Ijau D. Koceng said...


GZNG said...

believe it or not, i just tried this a while ago and it is really effective:D especially so on a porous rosewood finger board, it really digs into the wood... really good for moisturising wood. my dear sir, you're a genius!

subversion.sg said...

em.. i thought i read this somewhere but couldn't remember the source. because it's effective (at least for my indulgences), it lives in me till today...

DeadEye said...

the best way of cleaning the fretboard u taught me! :p