Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hate Eternal: Phoenix Among the Ashes

Erik Rutan is Hate Eternal. The ex-Ripping Corpse guitarist had been at the helm of HE the moment it was put together. Despite having other band commitments along the way- Morbid Angel was one of them- Erik Rutan kept HE going till this day. This 5th full length studio release pretty much established the musical signature of HE- incessant rapid fire drumming coupled with furious guitar riffing. It's rather difficult to single out moments when the band slowed their music down because the aforementioned formula was ingrained into the band's DNA right from the start. In Phoenix, as I had anticipated, there were no deviations from playing music the HE way but it's a curbed ferocity this time round perhaps due to the absence of Shaun Kelly (aslo Erik Rutan's former co-guitarist in Ripping corpse) & it sounded like Mr. Rutan had some active pickups going in this recording. If that's not the case, then it sounded very convincing. I believe it's another day in the office for him, nothing but a great death metal release with lots of instrument competency on offer.


Dr. Bentara said...

too fast for me.

Anonymous said...

hmmm i just went to check it out...i saw some passives being used, the vid wasnt very clear though since it was a camcorder lol. said...

Fury & Flames is faster... said...

Rutan had no history of using actives :-) being an able producer, he should have some recording trickery up his sleeves.