Monday, August 3, 2015

No singing allowed

This week's playlist- strictly instrumental.

1. Chimp Spanner (All Roads Lead Here)- Paul Ortiz is perhaps one of the most overlooked guitar player out there because his playing style places no emphasis on technicalities.Having said that, all guitar dweebs out there, those who take pride in churning out instrumentals especially, posses this latent technical ability which is manifested in their compositions, Mr. Ortiz included. Metal? Well, if you believe there a genre out there called 'djent' then this would believably catagorized as such.

2. Exivious (Liminal)- Cynic sans vocals. Enough said.

3. Brett Garsed (Dark Matter)- I have no idea if TC Electronic's Dark Matter distortion took the cue from this album but I've been a fan of Mr. Garsed's legato & 4-notes per string chromatics, especially when it's done tastefully. One of the most relaxing technical guitar instrumentals out there.

4. Richie Kotzen (Electric Joy)- I'm not a fan of his vocals but his guitar-ing rules. Electric Joy dropped gear somewhat, there's less distortion heard as well so collectively, it makes a 'different' release by Mr. Kotzen & I'm a fan of this particular release.

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