Thursday, November 16, 2017

Single fury

Had some playing time before dinner, so 🎸

Anyway, the usual convention- single coils are just 👎 for aggressive music, yes? Generally, that's the attitude towards anything not a humbucker & low output when it comes to distortion. However, you have to consider the other components in your line-up. After years of playing, I believe the amp plays a big part in sounding heavy/ aggressive, at least for someone who's not effects reliant like me. If you own an amp tailored for a certain delivery, say a MESA Boogie for heavy stuff, chances are, all your guitars could be made to sound heavy through it. The degree of that outcome varies, of course. For instance, if you plug in your semi-hollow guitar into the aforementioned MESA amp, it will sound heavy but it may sound less appealing compared to a solid body instrument. 

The pickups you see above are Seymour Duncan's SSL-1 (n) & SSL-5 (b). These are not aggressive pickups by any means despite the latter being more appealing for rock-esque music but they sound aggressive through my Blackstar HT Metal. So clearly the amp is hard at work here & not the pickups per se. This does not mean you can fit any pickups into your guitar just because your amp owns your tone, you have to be selective to make the entire tone consideration work your way. 

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