Friday, April 10, 2020

Solar respite

All cooped up at home & I'm not counting the days. The authorities have given the date to be back at work but things may turn & I'm not hopeful. 

It's not even a week since the start of the lockdown but I've learnt that people have issues embracing less. Not talking about acquisitions here but work. If one adopt a different work approach it is not objective to deliver the same amount of work. If one runs every day & the situation requires one to walk instead, should the target distance per day be the same? The authorities even made it clear that we won't be penalized for embracing less. In dire times like this, people are afraid to embrace change. Screw them.

I've made it a point to play one different guitar each day while the situation remains like this. Today's guitar of choice: Solar A2.6LN. I simply love the Solar Duncan pickups.

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