Monday, October 27, 2008

The first (Part 4)

The first person whom I saw play a Gibson Explorer was U2's the Edge. He's another one of those minimalists to have made an impact on me but his playing was (still is) effects laden, in fact, the delay effect & this chap are quite synonymous.

The thing I like about him is that he fits in the guitar parts into the songs regardless of the song's nature. This is also the reason why I like Zooropa the best- the most electronica U2 release & probably the most disliked if you are a traditional U2 fan. I remember having Zooropa in my Walkman years ago (in perpetual repeat mode) & cycling along East Coast Parkway at sunset... those were the days.


Anonymous said...

Hello Sub, do you have any insider information on when the Squier Classic Vibe Series will be landing at Swee Lee?

Thanks! said...

no such disclosures. i did relay my opinion/ recommendations to the relevant parties, it's up to them to bring these in. I did so for the Vintage Mod models but only selected models made it here- better than nothing :-)