Monday, July 2, 2012

KL weekend

It was a quick trip to KL last weekend, did some shopping & headed home. Saw this cat upon arrival. Cute.

No, we didn't go in search of some exotic cuisines, it was convenient dining for both days. Subway was still the healthier consensus, more importantly, the food was tasty but some of us find the non-fried meat a little bland. Carl's Jr is a blatant reminder to all fast food joints how their servings shrunk in the name of profiteering. If you miss the the huge burgers once served by Burger King & had long despised the blatant offerings of McDonald's, head to CJ, please.

The sight of this set my pulse racing (ok, maybe not much)- do they have the Ibanez-Uniqlo RG in store? (Click here if you don't have a clue what I'm talking about: DUH). Of course NOT.

Because Bentley is just round the corner, it was an inevitable stop. By the time you read this, their mid-year sale is over. Took a quick look around & left.

Bentley has an in-house tech handling non-sales, technical issues only. Maybe stores here should consider this as well...

In the evening, I simply enjoyed sipping my drinks while looking out of the window; it's an urban setting, quite removed from the usual beach front, holiday moments. That Red Coq there is a local alternative to Red Bull. It's an apt representation of the kampung heritage of the motherland but a potential catalyst for heated misunderstandings, imagine this daughter-mother dialogue:

Mother: Girl, where are you going?
Daughter: I'm gonna go get a Red Coq, be back in a jiffy...
Mother: ... (fainted)

 Or this student-teacher incident which is best avoided:

John: Miss Lina, you look weary...
Teacher: Yes, John, I overworked myself during the weekend.
John: Let me share my Red Coq with you then, it'll help rejuvenate yourself
Teacher: (Stood up & slapped John. He was hospitalized thereafter. Miss Lina never got married)


Ijau D. Koceng said...

looks more like "le coq sportif" logo said...

Most probably a rip-off... :-)