Friday, November 4, 2022

Covered goodness

I only have good things to say about the Seymour Duncan JB & '59. However, I don't fancy gold covers but on that note, these covers did something to tone. I'm not about to unleash dichotomy here by saying pickup covers are doing some magic when it comes to tone but the JB, being one of the raunchiest humbucker when it comes to midrange performance, somehow sounds very smooth here. The '59 also has its vintage livery a little souped up when it comes to contemporary overdriven tones. I do not wish to look too much into those covers doing their thing but rest in the knowledge that there might be other possible contributors to this difference I hear in the mean time. 


Ijau D. Koceng said...

white LP custom-ish with gold hardware, marvelous!

full thickness? said...

Yes. Backache-inducing...