Saturday, December 31, 2022


At the end of 2022, the only respite for me is my severance from cancer treatment. Some days ago, my blood test results showed that my condition (remission) had stabilized. I decided to stop all treatments (nerve damage related consultations included) altogether. I see a dead end in trying to eradicate all cancer traces when the reality of it is that cancer is genetically triggered more than taking preventive measures to stop it from happening. The more I agree to undergo treatment, the more I consent to being tied down financially to an inconclusive endearment. So that has to stop. It's preventing me from holding down a proper job & the meds are causing havoc to my schedules. There is a real contingency for a relapse to happen but I will deal with that when it comes. 

Good riddance. 


Ijau D. Koceng said...


I still remember you've contacted me directly on November 2020 to tell me about this matter said...

Thank you bro, for your support in every way 🙏🏼 You're closer to he than many people at work.