Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Aguynguerran is definitely quasi-mouthful but that's how it is with the black metal horde; pronunciation & commercial viability take back seats while deviance matters... I was attracted to this band not because it features Enthroned guitarist Nguaroth but the overall tone of their debut LP conjures Immortal's Blizzard Beasts- the guitar sounds choked but the midrange highlight is signature black metal.

The aforementioned Enthroned guitarist did well to incorporate riffing variance, particularly some punctuated bass note chugging (employed sparingly by guitarists of this music genre) in general. There were some catchy drumming in the works as well with very tasteful splash play. The only ingredient needing a refinement would be the solos; the guitarists of this ilk usually execute stacatto picking with loads of repetition hoping to get away with things but the guitar-inclined among us would know this is simply boring material in action. Nevertheless, PTNC is one of the better recordings Belgium has to offer, akin to giving a nudge to the Norwegian acts.

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