Sunday, June 7, 2009

ADA pre-amp

I was at Beez's recently, he introduced me to his 'new' amp which are actually used units of ADA & Samson pre-amp & power amp respectively. The tones to be heard from this pairing are some of the best in guitardom; you'd then understand why professionals prefer this set up which was rampant in the '80s, as well as the preferred recording amplification in pro studios.


NIN said...

This type of setup is still being used today by guitarists like Stephen Carpenter(Deftones), Alexi and Roope(Children of Bodom) and Paul Landers (Rammstein). said...

the fact remains that there are countless pro musicians out there who employ the pre + power amp set up. we sometimes wonder why our MESA sounds horrible while Petrucci's sound blissful- this is the reason.