Sunday, September 18, 2011

Snark tuner: Ver. Red

OK, so I bought another Snark tuner, this time, the red version. What's the colour significance? It represents the different models with different on-board features. But first, let me address the query of which battery type powers this cutie. It's the tablet version as seen above, the cheapest of which (as sold at my neighbourhood budget store) is $0.70- yes, I did a little scouting. 

The red version features an on board metronome but it's devoid of any 'beep' sound; it's the perfect silent ticker. The user is also given the option to set his/ her preferred BPM, I started with a 100bpm as seen above...

...retarding it to 40bpm much later while I was noodling with some doom riffs. The 'heart' you see there is the ticker indicator, it blinks according to the bpm set. Neat, huh? The absolutely best thing about Snark tuners is that they are all very affordable, they don't exceed $20...

Snark tuners are available at Davis GMC/ TYmusic.


Ijau D. Koceng said...

ordered the red version :) should arrive next week

hopefully the battery model was CR2032 (same as computer mainboard battery)

Ijau D. Koceng said...

got the blue version :( said...

ah... the blue version- you can calibrate the pitch :-)