Sunday, June 2, 2013

The telecaster of death (no country music allowed)

Death by corrosion- this Switchcraft input jack belongs to my Fender American Standard Telecaster & recently it went dead. It's not about a superior brand name when it comes to parts deterioration; it will happen, it's a matter of time. You just need to know where to get the replacement parts that best fit your needs. So in addition to the dead pots & switches, it's off to Beez's...

Here it is, my sonic Telecaster of death is now back to life (forgive the pun). Considering it's only the second time the parts died & required replacement since 1998, I must say it's well taken care of. Oh by the way, when I bought this guitar back at Swee Lee before the turn of the century, I recall this salesperson who attended to me then said clearly, "Telecasters are for country music only." Screw that, of course. Thanks Beez, for the exceptional workmanship.


YusTech said...

Its about Corosion. said...

that's pretty normal. but some people THINK it won't happen...

YusTech said...

hey sub,that outjack looks useable if clean up well.What out jack you considering next? said...

not really re-usable, bro. i did clean but contact was poor. same switchcraft model was bought & installed :-)

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