Saturday, August 12, 2017

Sound Advice: Marty Friedman

I am indeed this type of player. I strive to hear my inner thoughts, the music ringing in my mind, that idea waiting for me to be unleashed just by figuring it out & making the connections on the fretboard. I can never come to terms with chords & chordal progression. There are pros, seasoned players, qualified people out there telling me to get a grip on theory because it matters. But these people are telling me to go where I'm not heading to. I'm more experimental & a play-by-ear type of person who thrive on shackle-free initiatives. This is the reason why my heavy metal manifestations are stronger & above all else. I can't get along with people who sit down & strum chords to popular songs. So there you go. 

1 comment:

Ijau D. Koceng said...

yes, and sometimes it's hard to collaborate with different musicians within the same genre (other than our bandmates) because of our playing styles/disciplines