Sunday, January 29, 2023

G vs H: Done

This was announced yesterday. It's an out-of-court settlement. The legal implication here is that, there's no clear judgement awarded to either parties pertaining to certain rights. About time. Gibson & Heritage guitars are  embraced by many players pros & hobbyists alike. At our end, we do not deem these instruments as a substitute of each other, in fact, we can be proud of owning both. But in the commercial realm, allusion & semblance could affect sales performance in many ways so manufacturers invest in a lot of time, effort & money to protect their intellectual property & ultimately the brand's goodwill. It's all understood but if it's bordering on the ridiculous, do not blame us if we are partial to a certain manufacturer's stance on the matter. In any case, the buyer suffers the most. These instruments being absent in the market is a blow. Having them flown in from external sources is a very expensive affair.

On that note, the days of people selling inflated, used Gibson / Epiphone instruments in the after-market here are numbered. These instruments will make a comeback in the stores so the argument of 'these instruments are not available here' will not stand (it's lecherous IMO). 

Pic: JL Fulks

1 comment:

William Paxson said...

The "judgement" here in the States for those of us who have followed Heritage and their backstory with Gibson trying over the last 40 years to run Heritage out of business is that Gibson was worried that they would lose (especially the restraint of trade part of Heritage's suit and the fallout from that) and blinked.