Sunday, December 6, 2009

Little killer

What you see here:
  1. Amp head: Blackheart Killer Ant (1w... ha!)
  2. Cab: CRATE 4x12 GT412 (discont'd)
  3. Line6: Pocket POD Express
  4. Beta Aivin: Noise Gate NG-100
  5. Ibanez: TS7
  6. Guitar: LTD M-53
This has been my practice set up for days. At times, the guitars were on rotation but I keep coming back to the M-53 which had its action further lowered recently. There's a digital effects unit in the chain (the Pocket POD Express) so whichever guitar I employ didn't really matter because the final tone coming out from the drivers, is rather generic. Hence, it's all about feel & precision which my M-53 has plenty.

The Killer Ant churns out only a mere 1W for my sonic assault but it'll bring many other bigger wattage amps to their knees. Thanx to the 4x12 cab which makes it sound bigger than it should be. Contrary to convenient opinion, lower wattage amps need not be restrained in its performance. It's all about knowing what you are dealing with in action.


Ijau D. Koceng said...

no new entry about ur M-53?

since M-103FM sports the same pickups, i'm getting one :) said...

That's a good one bro, make sure you love the bridge :-)

Ijau D. Koceng said...

got problem with FR-special bridge? said...

no issues pertaining to functionality- it's a good unit :-) it's the feel; a little stiff but it shouldn't deter you from appreciating this guitar.

Ijau D. Koceng said...

hopefully the feel not much different from my ex-RG350M said...

thereabouts, bro :-)

Ijau D. Koceng said...

most LTDs sport an LH-150 humbucker which was epic

but how's the LS-120 performance especially for cleans? said...

not too pristine (default in-house units... we know what to expect) but i like them better than the ibanez single coils :-)

Ijau D. Koceng said...

got my M-103FM last week, feels a little awkward especially with the FR special, maybe coz i'm too familiar with edge-III which was "lower"

and both singles LS-120 not a clean-friendly pickups, LH-150 was nice though~ said...

bro, that's how singles voiced to work with distortion sounds like.