Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pestilence: Doctrine

If you are a cult Pestilence fan, this one would let you down. It's all about the guitars, the ones featured here seem to have down-shifted in terms of technicality & intensity. However, there's a commanding presence simply because the band had stayed true to their music despite a varied presentation. We move on with the bass &  drums which often take a shadow role when it comes to this music genre but I must say Jeroen Paul Thesseling & Yuma Van Eekelen had outdone themselves here (bass & drums respectively). In fact, I personally feel that they have moved to the front of the music leaving the guitars, in this case, to cog the music on.


Kaospilot said...

so far I've only heard Testimonial of the Ancients :D

Dr. Bentara said...

Will check them out.