Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Snark it!

The SNARK tuner is one little performer.

I've read rave reviews of it in countless guitar literature, online sources included so I've decided to get one, not costly this one: $15

Design-wise, it's not a state-of-the art affair, in fact, it looks rather toy-like & shoddy but let's remain practical here; we're in it for what it can do, not how it looks like. The main draw is the tuner's sensitivity, there's hardly any lag time between the picked note & response display, unlike other tuners which require a re-clipping elsewhere on the headstock to induce responsiveness should it failed to work initially. The colour display also holds its own in brighter surroundings, that's another plus for many of us. Highly recommended :-)


Kaospilot said...

Saw your tweet about Djent, I dont think its a new genre/sub-genre of any kind. Its the chugging guitar tone (djent djent) haha , most probably. Think Meshuggah :)

Or maybe you can try to listen to newer bands that employ this kind of tone like Periphery, TesseracT, etc. said...

hey bro :-)

i have no obligations to accept or acknowledge djent as a genre because it's not exclusively definitive- what draws the line between djent & non-djent?. if 'djent' helps me understand a current trend then it'll remain as such.

it's rather ironic that Meshuggah themselves don't stand up to say they are indeed djent before all others. Contradictions Collapse & Destroy, Erase, Improve- where's the djent in those? maybe the current bands are trying too hard to label Meshuggah's method of integrating randomness in their music to superb effect. the band Mnemic was very close to what Meshuggah did with Chaosphere but there was no genre explosion when that happened. if there was any, then i might have been living in a cave when that happened :-)

he he... it's the same situation not too long ago when the mere mention of nu-metal invokes repulsion rather than acceptance in me. maybe i'm just getting old & rather resistance to change- the reason i have no facebook account & not an iphone user...

Joshua said...

nice guitar.. its really cool.. your complete blog is awesome.. thanks for the update..

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XenoZeno said...

Cheap! Sounds good, but i'll have to stick to my pedal tuners for accuracy, not saying that the snark isn't accurate, but most clip-ons aren't accurate.

In regards to Meshuggah, let's just call it djent for easy reference, dear djentlmen. I don't see how it's nu-metal though.. said...

Johshua: thanks for reading :-)

if you wish for fine accuracy, clip-ons are not the way to go but let's not be dismissive of their current offerings per se. i refer to my pedal tuner for intonation adjustments, not my clip-ons because i know it's the preferred tool for the job. the latter's for quick fixes, i'm sure there are moments when we need to address this situation.

as for Meshuggah, i prefer calling it Meshuggah & not reducing the band's efforts to a concocted interpretation.

Joshua said...

Hi! Does any shop in Singapore sell it? said...

of course, that's where i got mine from... he he... SNARK tuners are available at Davis GMC/ TYmusic.

Joshua said...

Woo Thanks!

Ijau D. Koceng said...

might get one someday... said...

bro, get the RED version- it has an in-built metronome :-)