Sunday, January 6, 2013

Filosofem re-visited

The year was 1996, Burzum's Filosofem was released back then but it wasn't readily available in the stores. I remember ordering my copy (at Roxy Music) only after brother Zahid showed his copy to me- so it could be purchased after all. After Varg's sentencing in 1994, it seems that Burzum's releases plunged into contraband status. The day I collected mine, there's this chap who bought 2 copies of this release in vinyl; one for keep's sake, the other for regular listening. I'd imagine that he's earned a fortune selling that untempered copy thereafter. 

Why the heck did I re-purchase this album? Back in 1996, the 'Can I borrow & forget to return you' culture went unchecked. It's largely down to giving too much respect to close friends who thought it's not criminal to do so but they should definitely know it's sinful. Anyway, mine was borrowed by many people, the cover- stained & the disc itself badly scratched. I decided to just buy a fresh, re-issue version & it's the one you see here. I enjoy listening to this album on days when I'm down; I actually revel in Filosofem's dank, dark, despairing mood- it's complementing my state of affairs. Contrary to popular rehabilitation, I feel better listening to this than having someone cheer me up when I'm down. I'm like that.

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