Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013. Pfffttt...

2012 had been a blast. Gear-wise, I was a non-mover; I still embrace the good ol' guitar-to-amp set up, oblivious to the digital revolution taking place. It's not about defiance, but sticking to a formula that works, an arrangement that brought out the best manifestation from my gear. 

I'm terribly grateful to you for taking time to drop by & read whatever's showcased here even if it means having to endure some shenanigans- eternal thanks for your support! Here's hoping that this blog would survive the test of 2013; I foresee the day job wearing me out to such an extent that regeneration has to happen at night just to keep me going because Red Bull & coffee don't do much for me. Onwards!


Godsmen said...

Keep the poison coming in 2013 :)

fuzztremecho said...

Hi Sub - keep on the great work here

subversion.sg said...

thanks, my friends :-)