Thursday, January 29, 2009

Japanese, Chinese & Indonesian

This 2009, Ibanez fans would see Japanese...
& Indonesian guitars offered in the stores. There would be no more Korean models.


Matt Hauer said...

Mmmkay, newbie question. China all over the place, but how're Japan & Indonesia for QC?

(I've had my SZR520 for about three weeks now and my only beef ended up being with needing to raise the action) said...

Japenese Ibanez units are the standard to beat. the indo models are great despite many people's misgivings about the country's technological standards per se- my RGA32 & XPT300 are indo models & they don't show any glaring inconsistencies.

i own the SZR520 myself, unlike you, i had to lower the default action. the chinese craftsmanship are worthy :-)