Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ibanez: Egen 8

Managed to handle the Egen 8 today; this guitar arrived later than the Egen 18 but it still made it here (@ Swee Lee). It's an Indonesian production but the QC manifestations are some of the best. It's not evident from the pic but the guitar sports a gloss-free, satin finish for both body & headstock. I only had time to strum it unplugged but what I heard were some pleasant mid-range brightness. Also, the 8 retain the 18's coil-split push-pull switch. Hope to hear it in action soon... (wonder when that would be).


Ijau D. Koceng said...

does this entry have any connections with herman li clinic? hehehe o_O said...

maybe coincidental... :-)

Anonymous said...

The Egen8 list slightly below 1K...but expect to pay 5x more for the Egen18 :)

Fitch said...

it's the endorser's association adding much to the listing, other than the Egen 18 being a Prestige model...