Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jaguar tamperings (Part 5)

The non-American Fenders are equipped with this traditional string tree design, some fans call it the 'butterfly' version.

I've replaced mine with the rounded version for the following benefits:
  1. No sharp edges so less string snapping encounters
  2. Reduces friction, more effective tuning


tora corgan said...

i also bought this jaguar, my main problem is the fret buzz sound, if i lower down the tune o matic bridge the strings start rattling with the fret. Do you encounter this problem with your jaguar?? Any tips to get rid of the fret buzz?

Anonymous said...

adjust the truss rod to give the neck slightly more relief. also check if the frets are level. they'll need some levelling if they're not.

subversion.sg said...

i have no problems with mine, maybe because i gave it a deserving set up. i have very low action in there & it serves we well.

if it's a fret buzz, highly likely, you are dealing with neck/ fret issues. sight the neck, your guitar might be having an excessive warp or it's too straight considering you lowered your action. if the buzz is specific to a certain position, then there might be a bad fret there which a little dressing would cure.

reuel said...

hey sub...any idea how to lubricate the string tree so that it doesn't have so much friction?? i've tried lubricating the all ard the string then putting it under the tree but it doesn't work

subversion.sg said...

the most resistance comes from the nut as opposed to other contacts. as for string guides/ trees, it's best to employ the rounded make, there is a roller version if you fancy- these will address the friction issue.