Friday, February 11, 2011

Coming to your senses

This is one of my favourite guitar albums & it's by none other than the Thunder from Down Under humself, Frank Gambale. If you are a Gambale fan like me & grew up listening to his music while he was still toting an Ibanez, you'd know he's a formidable player. This is the type of technicalities that would forgive the player at that time for not being on the rock front. At some point in time, you'd get sick of seeing guitar players in spandex glorifying his instrument & some other phallic outline.

Gambale's arpeggios are the other side of sweep-picking, so to speak. Prior to the Gambale exposure, I was only privy to the Malmsteen staple. So it was quite a revelation that an arpeggiated sweep need not be the obligatory ingredients of a neo-classical number. Coming to Your Senses was unbelievably the first Gambale release I own. His prior efforts were owned by the defunct JVC label & finding any one in the stores was like discovering oil. I recall seeing one in HMV for a cut-throat $44 which was very unreasonable considering the packets of D'Addario strings I could buy with that amount of money. So when Coming to Your Senses debuted in Borders for less than $30, it was a buy-first-think-later situation. Some of the tunes from Coming to Your Senses are still my listening companion. Thumbs up to this release.

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