Thursday, August 19, 2010


The real reason why I visited Davis was to acquire the above. More to come...


Ijau D. Koceng said...

how about .44 caliber? it is available now? said...

i didn't see that there... :-)

Caleb Glen said...

I'm interested in getting a fuzz. Was lookin' at the muff with tone wicker and this. But it seems this don't sound as fuzzy as i've expected? Would love to read your review on it soon!

tora corgan said...

have you try ehx bigmuff with tone wicker? any comments? said...

yup- tried the tone wicker version but it wasn't my thing so i went with the Germ 4...

there's less fuzzy influnce here namely because the focus wasn't the fuzz per se. rather ironic as the germanium cap was all the craze back then when it comes to all things fuzzy. anyway, the Germ 4 has that saturation i was after so it's a need assessment more than anything else.

the wicker version lets you have more top end upon its activation, this is further accentuated when the tone bypass switch comes into play. so if you favour a bottom end thumping instead, you might not like this manifestation.