Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ibanez 2013: RG2721

This is the 2nd Ibanez RG to feature the Tight End R bridge; RG2721. Yes, that quilt top is gorgeous but this 2013, Ibanez makes it clear their tops mean serious business. In addition to a captivating laminate top-most layer, selected models feature a 4mm cap so we get 3 layers of serious considerations for the money. In this RG2721's case: 1) Mahogany body 2) Maple cap 3) Quilted maple laminate.


Reuel Tan said...

a proper maple cap! that's something to look forward to! heh! said...

the Prestige models have always been featuring such caps, the standard/Premium models are the laminated ones. along the way, people get confused, especially those who don't know the specs of the guitars in various tiers...