Sunday, March 20, 2011

BFG Trem

It's officially released: Gibson's Les Paul BFG Trem. When the original, non-whammy version was released, the LP community screamed blasphemy as the instrument represented disintegration more than innovation. It's unfinished, unrefined & unappealing manifestations were the wrong attributes to be had in a Les Paul- pure desecration, to sum it up. But being a fan of fundamentals, I actually liked the BFG & bought one. The brighter tones were also agreeable with me; it's how I want my Les Paul to sound like. I'm looking forward to acquire the Trem version if the price is right (but is there ever a 'right' price to begin with?).

As depicted here, the rear cavity is left exposed- we can't seem to see a transparent cover, do we? So be prepared for another bare-bones serving & not argue with the sales people for selling a scrapyard Les Paul for more than $1K (the original BFG was $1,499...).


Ijau D. Koceng said...

what does BFG acronym stands for? said...

the manufacturer didn't say what those stood for, but people tend to agree that:

*BFG = Barely Finished Guitar

but others are inclined to believe (given the numerous corner cuttings & limited Les Paul experience) it's:

*BFG = Built For Gullibles

with all due respect, Roald Dahl's BFG = Big Friendly Giant :-)

Ijau D. Koceng said...

reminds me of that BFG in doom/quake series