Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour 2011: Embracing darkness

2011's Earth Hour just ended moments ago. The community around me was oblivious to the attempt in giving  Mother Earth her due respect. A quick look out of the window showed no signs of massive participation. The wedding preparation two blocks away showed no signs of moderation either, life at the coffee shop across the road went on as usual, full of loud talking & approved time squandering. 

There was an attempt to maintain essential visibility in my residence so a box of little candles were put to good use. The observation was that birthday candles would last you 10min while the slightly bigger variant for kiddy lanterns, gave light for 30min. It was time well-spent listening to music & lying down since bed-time was looming ahead. At the end of the observance, a quick check with the local news showed more participation down town where concerted efforts created the necessary awareness to rope in public participation. People, left to their own undertaking, wouldn't see the hour's worth in sparing a thought for the planet in which they live in.

I sincerely believe there are guitarists, bassists & other musicians alike who took part in Earth Hour this year, regardless of how big/ small their contributions were. I salute you.


Anonymous said...

Energy conservation goes beyond this little Earth Hour, it's the lifestyle we lead that matters. Earth Hour aims to create awareness, so, continue to take care of Earth, and she will take care of us.

Anonymous said...

Good on you, Sub. My wife told me to use the Vox Amplug. She, like the Earth, needed a break!

But I was watching the news on TV, and saw how people celebrated the event by spending money and resources to highlight how we shouldn't waste resources and money.

:D said...

it seems that the Earth Hour's awareness drive could hardly prick the human's reflection for environmental concerns. maybe it's just in its formative years. moreover, an hour's worth of activity couldn't really deliver the impact.

he he... the Mrs. here do not tell me what to do when it comes to guitar matters. i consider myself very fortunate :-)