Saturday, December 18, 2010

Special order: ESP M-II

Davis GMC is currently extending ESP's Special Order programme to us local dweebs. So how does it work? It's basically a custom order purchase but in limited format. The idea is to limit the custom charges, otherwise, it would effectively become an official Custom Order which would extend costs into the $3K - $4K bracket. Details of the Special Order programme will be disclosed here soon.

Since I have a pending M-II delivery which was originally scheduled in January 2011, I asked Janet if my order could be converted into this special order & I was lucky enough to be given the positive answer. My special order instruction was a simple one for this first time purchase; to have my M-II sport a hum cancelling single coil pickup instead of a full humbucking unit (so Duncan's Classic Stack + was my natural selection) The rest of the features remain unchanged.

I foresee a more adventurous order in the later half of 2011 should this initial episode prove to be appealing. I don't see why it shouldn't be the case.


Ijau D. Koceng said...

white~ i like...

Anonymous said...

how much roughly does a custom esp guitar cost? i simply clicked on the website's custom shop quote and got usd7k easily with basic specs. said...

the Custom range would start @ $4k+/-, please take note that the Special Order is NOT a custom order & isn't available through any webpage forms- it's through Davis GMC...

Anonymous said...

i see. so is it much cheaper to do the special order? how much roughly does the special order cost then? thank you. said...

definitely much more affordable than a full custom specs, this got me excited- the fact that I can make my ESP look the way I want it to be, like nobody else's... he he

i'm finalizing the list of Special Order can/cannot for everyone's consideration. price range: $80 - $200 in addition to the cost of the instrument itself :-)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info! the stock esps are nice but for me i'd like a horizon/m to have a 24.75inch scale instead. if this can be done in the special order then... huhu said...

that's NOT possible, bro; it's one of the restrictions listed out by ESP. i'll have the full list up A.S.A.P :-)

Anonymous said...

ouch that's too bad then. *looks at carvin*

Anonymous said...

is that a maximum of $200 per change or total? hehe said...

i was told that was the maximum charge but ESP is at liberty to vary the charges should there be more labour time needed to complete the job :-)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I would like to know more about the program. Please post options and details. Very very excited to have my own M II :)